Hello! I am Jacob Jackson. I am a web developer and freelance technical writer who created this blog. To learn more about me, visit my GitHub profile or portfolio website.

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Replacing Disqus Commenting

Images are one of the most significant contributors to slow websites. Here is how you can prevent this.

By Jacob Jackson

March 21, 2024

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A deep dive into distributed database architectures

Learn about different strategies for delivering data from multiple servers

By Jacob Jackson

March 12, 2024

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10 ways to speed up web image loading

Images are one of the most significant contributors to slow websites. Here is how you can prevent this.

By Jacob Jackson

December 19, 2023

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Tailwind has a scalability problem. How can we solve that?

While there are many benefits to using Tailwind, it also comes with unique challenges when scaling. Luckily, there are solutions to this.

By Jacob Jackson

November 29, 2023

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Lerna vs Turborepo vs Rush: Which is better in 2023?

Monorepos are becoming more and more popular with web development. In this article, we will compare some of the most popular monorepo tools' performance, ease of use, and more.

By Jacob Jackson

July 1, 2023

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The 6 JavaScript Projects to watch in 2023

We look over some of the JavaScript projects to watch in 2023.

By Jacob Jackson

July 1, 2023

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Top 5 Alternatives to React in 2023

Currently, React is extremely popular, and for good reasons. It is simple and concise. However, looking at some alternatives is a good idea too.

By Jacob Jackson

September 17, 2022

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How to use ESM on the web and in Node.js

ESM (ECMAScript Modules) is a modern module format with many advantages over previous formats like CommonJS. How do you switch to it?

By Jacob Jackson

December 14, 2023

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React vs Svelte: Which is better in 2023?

React and Svelte are both prevalent libraries for creating user interfaces. In this article we will figure out which one is the better choice for new projects.

By Jacob Jackson

February 4, 2023

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10 ways to speed up JavaScript loading

JavaScript is one of the biggest contributors to long website loading times. This article will show you how to speed up your JavaScript loading.

By Jacob Jackson

December 19, 2023

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What is Bun, and does it live up to the hype?

Bun is a new JavaScript runtime that claims to offer more features and performance compared to Node.js and Deno. But is it as good as it is hyped up to be?

By Jacob Jackson

July 1, 2023

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State of JS 2021 Results and Analysis

State of JS 2021/2022 is a major survey in web development. Learn all about it and what the results really mean.

By Jacob Jackson

September 7, 2022

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State of the Web: React

Learn more about the past, present, and future of React and things like Remix, React 18, Solid, and more.

By Jacob Jackson

February 13, 2022

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10 ways to speed up web font loading

Font loading can hurt performance a lot. This article shows you how to reduce the impact

By Jacob Jackson

December 19, 2023

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State of the Web: Atomic CSS

Learn more about the past, present, and future of Atomic CSS and frameworks like Tachyons, Tailwind, and more.

By Jacob Jackson

February 4, 2023

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State of the Web: Static Site Generators

Static Site Generators have been changing quickly with new trends like Jamstack. Learn more about the background of static site generators, why people use them, and the current state of them, with information on modern SSGs like Eleventy, Next.js, SvelteKit, and Astro.

By Jacob Jackson

August 16, 2022

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State of the Web: Bundlers & Build Tools

Learn more about the past, present, and future of bundlers like Webpack, Rollup, and Vite

By Jacob Jackson

January 24, 2022

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Migrating ByteofDev from SvelteKit to Astro

Why and how I rebuilt my blog in Astro

By Jacob Jackson

August 16, 2022

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State of the Web: Serverless Functions

What are serverless functions, why do they matter, and how are they currently used for server-side JavaScript?

By Jacob Jackson

January 16, 2022

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State of the Web: Deno

What is Deno, why does it matter, and how is it currently used for server-side JavaScript?

By Jacob Jackson

July 1, 2023

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Array.map() versus Array.forEach()

Learn the difference between Array.map() and Array.forEach() and how to use each in JavaScript

By Jacob Jackson

January 9, 2022

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A quick introduction to JavaScript Maps

A quick introduction to the Maps datatype in JavaScript, and when to use it

By Jacob Jackson

January 9, 2022

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Building the fastest object and array differ

How I built Microdiff and how it is faster than most other object and array diffing libraries

By Jacob Jackson

January 2, 2022

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State of the Web: WebAssembly

What is WebAssembly, why does it matter, and how is it currently used on the web?

By Jacob Jackson

January 9, 2022

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When you should and shouldn't use React

While very popular, React is not always the best web framework to use. In this article, we go over when to use React and when not to.

By Jacob Jackson

September 8, 2022